Picture Your Private Guided Business Journey

Tired of Industry Experts Telling You to "Scale" Your Business?
You may already have a successful business. You may want to "grow" your business, but you want to do it YOUR way, in a way that feels right and aligns with your personal life.
Or, maybe you're just starting out and need some serious clarity and hand-holding.
You may not have time for online courses or can't find the right one, and that's totally okay. You may not be a fan of online coaches either.
Lucky for you, I am not another online "coach". I am an Intuitive Business Guide who specializes in working with service-based business Owners just like you.
As entrepreneurs, we wear many hats and face countless decisions to make. I am confident that I can meet you where you are and guide you to your next PATH TO PROFIT & JOY.
It’s Time To Infuse YOUR Energy & Expertise Into YOUR Business
Ditch the industry norms. Forget what everyone else is doing and the online influencers that claim to 10x everything. With one-on-one guidance and support, you've found a safe place to dig deep and set your business + personal life up for success in an intuitive and intentional way.
I am an awesome Mom + Wifey and President of our family biz @RUGWORX where we are known for our rug expertise, massive social media following (nearly 1MIL!) working with dream like clients like interior designers, and referral marketing with ZERO paid ads.
It may feel like our industry puts us in a box, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. Let's break free from following certain "systems" that don't align with our true wants and needs.
Join me on a journey curated especially for YOU & YOUR BUSINESS. An eye opening experience that will lead you to a land of ease and flow in business that you never thought was possible.
Just to be clear...this is a 1-on-1 private experience. However, this is NOT a normal private coaching program because I am not a business coach teaching you systems that worked for me, my business and my social media success.
This is a guided journey which I will take you through at your pace. I will incorporate traditional strategies with new age guided visualizations.
You will choose from my hot FOCUS TOPICS below so we can create a framework for the journey. We will also leave ample time to make adjustments as we hone in on the areas you need to focus on the most.
Let's do this!

Have you ever felt like the systems in your business or the pricing didn't feel right to you? Maybe because they didn't come FROM you. Let's get rid of old salesy tactics and start making clear offers to dream clients.
I am really good at helping other entrepreneurs see "the bigger picture" and wrap their big ideas into a WHOLEistic approach that encompasses their life and business as ONE. This cohesion will reduce time and stress while increasing income.
Whether you are just starting out, years into it, or dealing with BIG business decisions such as niching down, pivoting, or retirement, I can meet you where you're at.

Choose 4-6 Focus Topics for the Framework of Your Journey
For the 4 Week Empowerment Journey: Choose up to 4 Focus Topics.
For the 6 Week Transformation Journey: Choose up to 6 Focus Topics.

Making BIG business decisions based on Intuition. Example: such as "niching down to blow up", pivoting your services, OR getting organized before a Scale Up or Sale/Retirement.

Manifesting the right clientele and/or employees. Manifesting your DREAM CLIENTS. This is my jam!

Money Psychology, Money Mindset, Money Blocks, and Pricing. THIS IS A NECESSITY FOR EVERY JOURNEY IMO.

Client Communication curated for your dream clients, your needs, and boundaries. You do not need to be a slave to your service business any longer.

Social Media presence, BEING SEEN. Online and photo/video coaching to fit YOU and what makes sense for your business.

Cohesion between your business and personal life. What is that you truly desire? Discover your highest level self & make decisions as that person. This is the true manifestation journey.

Online presence Mastery & Messaging. Website VS. Social Media. There is often a disconnect here for most of us. What is right for you and your vision?

Creating a PROactive business instead of a REactive one. This changed my world. I am a better person, Mother and business Owner because of this Ultimate Mindset Magic.

Infusing FEMININE ENERGETICS into your business. OR maybe you are a full out BRO MARKETER? Let me help you decide based on your personality and dream client.
If you aren’t completely satisfied with your curated journey, let me know within the first 11 days for a partial refund.
Is this like private or group coaching?
Do you have any incentives if I refer a friend?
Are my results guaranteed?
I'm on the fence and have more questions for you.

"I enjoyed every minute of working with Miranda. She solved my tech issues which were blocking me. Her intuition was so on point and was the reassurance I needed to move forward with an organized plan."
- Amy
"I knew I desperately needed help with a social media identity and content. I am now ready to be seen, show my face and get to POSTING!"
- Julie
Discover Clarity with my FREE Intuitive Business Assessment
Book a Discovery Call with me to gain clarity and personal strategies for your business. We'll identify key focus areas and guide you toward your next path that aligns with your vision. Unlock your business's full potential today!
Book A Discovery Call
After our CALL or ZOOM, I will email you a FREE Intuitive Business Assessment